Creative Re-Ignition

Lord, regnite the passion for the creative in me.The love of art,The flow of words,The zeal to write,The drive to draw,The intentionality to craft. Wake up what has been dormant in me for so long.Let spring come to the winter of my creative mind.Let inspiration bubble up in me,From the least expected sources,At the least …

Virtually Alive (A Poem)

I am virtually alive. I’ve convinced myself of it, so I might as well be.I plug in night and day (it’s a better way to play),and my life quality triples. let me explain: See, I’m virtually successful with a million virtual Pounds,and a billion virtual Euros in my swiss bank account.My virtual real estate is …

The Lost Diamond (a poem)

Somewhere in the house,Lurking in amongst the crumbs and hairThat gather on the floorIs a diamond.A beautiful, clear, 1/3 carat diamond. What differentiates it from the particles that are to be vacuumed up and disposed of?Is it its size?No, it’s smaller than a stray popcorn seed and not much bigger than a large crumb.Is it …

Being Inspired by Hannah More

I’m really inspired by Eric Metaxas’ book 7 Women. I’m realizing that I am often reading of the great exploits of men, but I rarely read about the great exploits of women. Hannah More is a women who shaped the cultural mindset on abolition in the early 1800s. She wrote pamphlets, poems and books denouncing …